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 Nouvel Album de Archive

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3 participants
Holy Trousers
Homo Pacificus
Homo Pacificus
Holy Trousers

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2545
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2008

Nouvel Album de Archive Empty
MessageSujet: Nouvel Album de Archive   Nouvel Album de Archive Icon_minitime28/3/2009, 19:24

Le nouvel album d'Archive vient de sortir hier.

Nouvel Album de Archive Front10

On était habitues toujours à des changements de style avec l'arrivée d'un nouvel album, mais cette fois ci pas de grands bouleversements, l'atmosphère des derniers albums est toujours présente, sauf qu'en plus rythmé, et c'est bon Smile

( lien caché )
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Holy Trousers
Homo Pacificus
Homo Pacificus
Holy Trousers

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2545
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2008

Nouvel Album de Archive Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvel Album de Archive   Nouvel Album de Archive Icon_minitime28/3/2009, 20:18

Une revue en anglais de l'album et des chansons :
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New Archive comes along in our ears and it is always a very big event. Forerunners of the trip-hop in 1996 with Londinium, the group had managed to charm several followers of Massive Attack and Portishead. Now, in time, the singer (Roya Arab) and the rapper (Rosko John) had been sent back. It was the beginning of the end for the group until 2001, with the arrival of a new singer (Craig Walker).

It is with the success "Again" that the group knew how to return to the spotlight and join the crowds. More popular than never, Archive recorded three other albums with the same singer, before this last one leaves the group. The style widely evolved (not always in the best direction, will say many persons) crossing trip-hop, pop, rock, and trip-rock, but what they reserve for the crowd with this new album?

Here are the impressions of the writer who had the luck of listening the disk before the official launch (March 30th, 2009).

01. Controlling Crowds

A strange beginning for the beginning of this album; a song which lasts more than ten minutes. We find the synthesizers which had made the fame of Londinium, a box with rhythm settles down, but the melody seems a little bit childish.

02. Bullets

Excellent piece which will be the first "single" of the album. A song sinks, in the vein of their album "You all look the same to me". A beautiful surprise.

03. Words on signs

Return in the peace on this song of four minutes. The voice is clear and calm. The piano makes change and slows down the rhythm of the album, which is rather very excited.

04. Danger Visit

Certainly, Archive does not make concession on this album. Another piece which lasts more than seven minutes. It is the return of the multiple synthesizers and the effects of voice that accumulate. However, the "beat" who settles down after the fourth minute is not interesting and brings nothing positive in the song. It becomes even repetitive and boring.

05. Quiet Time

There is a lot of atmospheric atmosphere on this album. "Quiet Time" returns us towards Londinium with the flow of Rosko. The rhythms are more deconstructed. A very successful song which marks well the return of the one who had largely missed us for already more than 10 years!

06. Callapse / Collide

From the end of "Quiet Time", we heard slightly the voice of Maria Q. She is entirely on this very long piece which begins quite gently with a mysterious piano. This song is used in the French film " Secret defence " which is appeared in 2009, even before the album was for sale. The problem is that Archive is doing too much. By prolonging its songs for such a long time, the group loses in surprise and intensity.

07. Clones

In continuity with the previous title, the transition is very well made. Nevertheless, the song is wasted by a jerky "beat" who does not really bring a supplementary quality. Sad.

08. Bastardised Ink

The shortest song of the album, hardly a little more than three minutes. We feel at once this break with the rest of the album. Still Rosko in the voice. He seems to it distant for the first thirty seconds, then the song takes its flight. A good mixture mixed between the voices of Rosko and Maria Q. Very interesting. It is a pleasant surprise. This is a change of the usual Archive formula.

09. King of Speed

Another new "beat" who makes change to Archive. Certainly, the second part of the disk seems much more promising than the first one. There is a more complete and " less basic " work in the construction of songs. We would almost believe to hear accents of Bono voice's (U2) on the song!

10. Whore

Wow! A jazzy atmosphere, the voice of Maria Q transformed, a little of melancholy. Very successful.

11. Chaos

"Chaos" takes back a little the technique known for Archive. Some urgent notes of piano, a voice which arises, a change of variation. That becomes maybe too syrupy by the middle of the song on the other hand. Very orchestrated. Not really of inspiration.

12. Razed to the ground

Last song with Rosko. After the inspirations of "Chaos" which get married to "Razed to the Ground", the flow of Rosko becomes enraged on a jerky rhythm, which stops to leave the place for an interesting bass. We hear women's shouts frightened behind (!). That rings a little as of gangster's rap, but very fast, the small notes of piano make us recognize the touch of Archive. A song very particular.

13. Funeral

Regrettably, a last song as Archive have made it tens. Very syrupy at the beginning, then a climb with an accumulation of instruments. Not a lot of originality.

In conclusion, Archive launches a very very long disk, which would have been able to benefit from some cuts. It would have allowed them to offer us something more audacious. Well, a new Archive is always something pleasant, and there is pleasant surprises on this disk. Rest that the best pieces are the ones where the voice of Rosko takes the control. They really ring as songs which would have been able to have their place on Londinium. What is it necessary to conclude from it? That Londinium is timeless or that these new songs are too much influenced by this first disk because of the rapper? "So much better" will say some people. We would like to heard more of the mixture of the voices of Rosko and Maria Q.By hoping that the group thinks of it for the next effort, in the meantime, it's your turn to judge!

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Homo Habilis
Homo Habilis

Féminin Nombre de messages : 332
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 04/07/2007

Nouvel Album de Archive Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvel Album de Archive   Nouvel Album de Archive Icon_minitime28/3/2009, 21:57

Ah! justement, j'étais en train de chercher ce nouvel album, merci pour le link !
(mais en tout cas, je déteste la pochette :p)
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Homulus Foetus
Homulus Foetus

Féminin Nombre de messages : 16
Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2008

Nouvel Album de Archive Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvel Album de Archive   Nouvel Album de Archive Icon_minitime28/3/2009, 23:12

Spécial coup de coeur pour le morceau "Bullets"
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Nouvel Album de Archive Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvel Album de Archive   Nouvel Album de Archive Icon_minitime

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Nouvel Album de Archive
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